Page : 166
Number of messages : 6045
10/06/2020 22:46
hey admin, we need a description of what is being televised at the moment, rather than ***** ,going through all sports channels trying to find a certain match
10/06/2020 03:23
CNN is a propaganda against Trump
Fox is a propaganda for Trump
RT is fantastic
BBC just sucks
10/06/2020 03:17
RT should be on the to of the list, because it is the best
10/06/2020 03:15
BBC Sucks
RT is the best
06/06/2020 04:09
HBO is not hbo. many of the non-free channels are just trashy youtube videos. get a life.
Go look up better free tv sites
06/06/2020 04:08
05/06/2020 12:22
great channel Im watching man utd tv