Page : 24
Number of messages : 6085
02/03/2024 18:40

Polsat News has been down for several days(?). It is not possible to report this error.
Great site. Most channels work perfectly

01/03/2024 16:29
Nothing is live. Looks like recorded program. Pls do not cheat us by saying live.
27/02/2024 22:24
love u long time!
No homo.
27/02/2024 18:51
hit the play 。10 9 8 7... 1 0 time *****hing

27/02/2024 18:49

can not view in china today。why?
27/02/2024 05:08
no full screen? gone elsewhere!
25/02/2024 22:53
The only reason to start a war should always be to stop it, that is the value that China established 2000 years ago, and yet how ridiculous is it that the United States tells its people to pay the price to make it longer?
Anyone who believes such an obvious lie can only be a ONE-CELL-BRAIN-IDIOT..
25/02/2024 06:22
Hi Alexander,
I'm a French speaking Canadian from the province of Quebec in Canada.
First thank you for you very good work, I watch Freeintertv very regularly, particularly the European news canals.
I want to mention you 2 things about the French Canadian canals:
your RDI canal: it is not RDI canal but the Radio-Canada general canal named ICI TELE, but during the night they broadcast the signal of RDI (the French speaking Canadians 24 hours news canal of Radio Canada, the equivalent of CNN for the French speaking Canadians)
So you should change the name of this canal on your list and if it is possible you should try to find the real RDI canal (French speaking Canadians 24 hours news canal)
The TVA is not correct as well, it is ICI canal. It is a multi cultural canal from Montreal for the different communities (Spanish, jewish, asian,...)
So you should change the name of this canal on your list and if it is possible you should find the real TVA general canal.
thank you very much,
25/02/2024 04:15

22/02/2024 12:28
good day, I watch Deluxe dance every day and out of the blue it started cutting today :/