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Number of messages : 6050
25/11/2017 18:04
kocham was
22/11/2017 19:10
Is subscription possible?
22/11/2017 18:24
I am very happy to know about this.As a world citizen I like this more .Regards,Merry X_mas and a very happy New Year to all in your team
21/11/2017 23:21
I watch your TV news every day.
But the prigram stop many times a day.
Can I subscribe to see it all ?
Best regards
Dingsor, Norwy
21/11/2017 16:23
So .nice
19/11/2017 21:53
Tune in next week... " Same Bat Time........ Same Bat Channel" see him " BEAT THEM OFF". Sorry, no Emojy for "wink, wink, nudge, nudge".
19/11/2017 21:47
Roy Moore needs a three wolf tee shirt to get out of this mess......