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Page : 319
Number of messages : 6050
26/09/2017 16:33
A car is not right place to witness your parent being shot dead by the police
22/09/2017 11:51
Hi, your german channel ZDF shows ZDF NEO??????
20/09/2017 22:30
Animal Ruling Animals, I cannot use the title President on Buhari because he is a illiterate and could not be called a president… be won..the only respect for him is Mr….I cannot not use the word Mallam because Mallam means Teacher, so he has nothing to offer, he is a dumpty Humpty, But for respect as elderly man of Down syndrome I called him Mr. The Zoo Forest Nigeria is been rule by a Cow called Muhammadu Buhari, I wonders how Baboons become obedience to Cow. If am wrong please quote me wrong. The World Should Look into this, Just Few to mention if this is a Human or Animal system Please compare this with your country, 1) Abuja is the Capital of Nigeria, in Abuja national Stadium, Mr, Buhari ordered cattle trainers to fed their cattles in the Abuja National Stadium, the security was ask to keep silent because the other from Presidency 2) Humpty Dumpty, Can anyone in this Word , confirm word which he hear from the Mr, Buhari… He is a big Animal, Buhari has nothing to give to the world, even in his Zoo Nigeria, 3) Judges were arrested in the midnight, by people with Mask, is there any system of government in the Human race that allow, Police…SSS,,,DSSS,,, to arrest people without any criminal activity in the midnight without official invitation in the day, people that are stilling serving in the Animal Kingdom of Buhari. People that you will meet in the office in the morning, you decided to invade their home in the midnight, pull off their houses in the midnight, broke the doors and entrance of their buildings in the name of arresting. Then came out with Alligations that the DSS collected Billions of Dollars in their homes. …Fool Buhari is a Fool. 4) Oil Price, Sworn in today, Baboon Buhari increases the Fuel Pump Naira 145 Kerosene Naira 250 per liter. Diesel $370… 5) Dead Baboon, since January 2017 till date Baboon Buhari have not address the country for 20 Munites, what the other animals in his Forest Zoo Nigeria always hear is Baboon Buhari said, 6) September 12 2017 Nigeria Baboons Soldiers Invadaded the home of IPOB Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, without cause, who sent them? Is Nnamdi Kanu’s Citizen of ZOO Nigeria? Did he need the visitation of Zoo Army? Is his house along the High way? What did the baboons looking in his home? On the incident, The Nigerian Zoo Soldiers Killed more s han 50 IPOB (Biafrans) Member. 7) The Idiot Buhari did not have speech on this issue of illegal pythons and baboons dance military invade into another Human Race County’s Territory (8)) Animals (Pythons) from the zoo Nigeria declaring human race Terrorism *(Which human constitution allows the military to name group Terrorist? It is only in the Forest. Or Zoo, the fool Buhari credited the Animal Chief Monkey Burutia on that…..please All Nigerian are FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLS we are Biafrans I am Proud to be A Biafran ) Contact me office3789183@gmail.com
20/09/2017 16:10
(:GG) (:GG) (:GG) (:twisted:) (:twisted:) (8-O) (8-O) (:V))
20/09/2017 01:57
How can yo y watch Univicion 41
20/09/2017 00:15
19/09/2017 19:50
(:;) (:V)) (:V)) (:V))
19/09/2017 15:54
(:V)) (:V)) (:V))
18/09/2017 07:36
how can you watch axn portugal other than their movie channel
18/09/2017 04:08
(:?) Hey, Phoenix, don't feel bad, you are not alone...

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