  • :):)
  • :-D:-D
  • :?:?
  • 8)8)
  • :cry::cry:
  • :shock::shock:
  • :V):V)
  • :x:x
  • :lol::lol:
  • 8-O8-O
  • :;:;
  • :oops::oops:
  • :twisted::twisted:
  • :evil::evil:
  • :GG:GG
  • :mdr::mdr:
  • :-)X:-)X
  • :-//:-//
Page : 342
Number of messages : 6050
03/05/2017 20:34
we get black screen about every 2 or 3 minutes. never used to get this problem before on bbc and Itv. Really hope to get this fixed
03/05/2017 19:47
We've fixed it up. Now all popular French channels work without blocking every 2 minutes.
03/05/2017 15:20
As indicated below, I encountered similar problems with the several french channels. They were all in the SD mode and blocked after 1 - 2 minutes. Normally thuis only occurs when the HD mode is used. I tried in vain several systems. My systems were not changed. Is this a change in the system (only paid options) or a bug that can be fixed?
03/05/2017 02:05
Will the flash be on the cw USA channel on here tonight
02/05/2017 23:16
No, we can't solve this this problem so far. (:cry:)
02/05/2017 22:33
It works now... but every 30 seconds - 1 minute there is the loading wheel. Is something thats going to be fixed? (:?)
02/05/2017 22:30
Both 'BBC' and 'ITV' channels should work. However, they work with some interruptions now. Tell me exactly what is your problem? If you see black screen- you should update Flash Player plugin for your browser. If you see white screen- you have to install Flash Player plugin.
02/05/2017 22:06
PLEASE can you say WHY we cannot see bbc and Itv channels anymore. HELP (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:) (:cry:)
02/05/2017 20:47
01/05/2017 23:29
"freeintertv.com" No longer free -.-

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