Page : 360
Number of messages : 6050
06/02/2017 03:29
The CNN channels continue to be hijacked by an "Alternative Facts" propaganda outlet.
06/02/2017 00:14
CNN got hijacked again to FOX.
05/02/2017 08:06
The admin likes your feedback but dont seems to like your queries.
Let me response.
05/02/2017 07:51
I am enjoying the news and comments about the POTUS and past fotos of his wife, like I used to, years ago about Chen Shui Bian of ROC.
05/02/2017 07:45
how does one sign in to watch cnn america?
05/02/2017 05:11
hi all good morning
04/02/2017 20:03
What the hell happened to CNN? All I get now is Trump and Fox? Please help.