Page : 457
Number of messages : 6045
07/10/2015 19:50
it is ok now. thanks Admin
06/10/2015 18:10
I am very disappointed and angry with your direct statements against myself and the way I live. I am not Italian and I was born here in the US. Why do you concern yourselves with my life? It is none of your business. Any further comments made I will charge your network with harassment and stalking charges. We live freely in Canada and I know you do too so whats your point? Take my threats seriously or your jobs are finished
05/10/2015 22:01
hi I live in UK .and follow ILVOLO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,love your programme ,especially when they are on it ,,don't know if I will ever get to see them as they don't seem to be coming to UK for concerts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe one day I will come to Italy when they perform there ,,say hello to them next time they are on your programme ,,and give them my love ..I am a 65 year old woman but their music makes me feel like a teenager ...much love to you all xxxxxxx
05/10/2015 07:21
plz cell number admin ji
04/10/2015 18:50
What channels have no image?
Call me some of them, please!
04/10/2015 08:22
hi there,i also have same problem as Utopia. only sound and no image:((. please help
04/10/2015 00:32
hi there, english channel only have sound and no picture. just black screen. please can you fix it? thank you
03/10/2015 23:28
junior bauwens deejay tv