  • :):)
  • :-D:-D
  • :?:?
  • 8)8)
  • :cry::cry:
  • :shock::shock:
  • :V):V)
  • :x:x
  • :lol::lol:
  • 8-O8-O
  • :;:;
  • :oops::oops:
  • :twisted::twisted:
  • :evil::evil:
  • :GG:GG
  • :mdr::mdr:
  • :-)X:-)X
  • :-//:-//
Page : 576
Number of messages : 6032
21/03/2012 19:04
Yes, you can't use this iframe alone. You should use full page as a source of iframe. I mean /view/id-(number channel you want). For cutting- use style. That's all I can advise you.
20/03/2012 20:25
I have tried that. It works first and next time when I try to open the channel instead of video there is white noise on the screen.
20/03/2012 18:21
I think the best decision for you is using iframe and style tags. That's all I can suggest to you!
19/03/2012 22:07
How about other channels that don't have changing HTML code? May I get those? I would really appreciate.
19/03/2012 17:41
Hi! To my regret we can't do this. The reason- HTML code for this channel is changing constantly. (:cry:)
19/03/2012 02:04
Hi. I would like to add the HBO channel on my website. Could you please give me the HTML code for it? Thanks.
06/03/2012 22:26
02/03/2012 18:47
If you can watch 'Sky News'- your browser is OK. The matter is- traffic of some channels are not available in this moment.
01/03/2012 22:22
most sport and many win media player channels just constantly says connecting to media and refuses to play but can watch sky news??????????/
01/03/2012 18:12
To solve this problem I need to know the name of channels you can't watch. Use 'Feedback' for letting me know.

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