Page : 587
Number of messages : 6030
17/07/2010 20:33
My name is Sam Akowe (a.k.a. Waka About). I am a comedian/promoter. I have a planned event for Aug 27 2010 - Waka about Live - Friday Nite Comedy, Music and West African Cultural Display.
I am soliciting sponsorship from Vox Africa for the event.
What do I need to do to earn your sponsorship?
Sam Akowe
Tel: 07985194501
13/07/2010 07:10
I love all of you!!
12/05/2010 07:04
great website congragulasion
10/05/2010 13:04
Channels are not encrypted!
Simply, some of them not working in this moment.
08/05/2010 17:07
Just curious - are some of these channels encrypted? Or are they just unavailable in my area? I would really like to watch the UK channels.
15/02/2010 12:33