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Russian Indigo girl invents high-tech Venus rover

http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/0804.jpgIndigo children have become one of the most talked about subjects in the world recently. It is rumored that indigo children will take the human civilization to a higher level of development.
One may have a different approach to this idea, but it is hard to deny the inrush of talents in the young generation. The exhibition of innovations of schoolchildren, “A Step to the Future” became another evidence to prove it.

There was always a crowd of people near the stand of Anna Shvetsova, an 11th-grader from Noginsk. The silvery disk, reminiscent to either a UFO or two bowls glued together, crawls on the floor. Anna uses a remote control to make the bowls crawl near her feet.

The toy is actually a model of a spacecraft that could land on Venus. “There is an engine inside the rover . The engine is designed on the base of Tolchin’s inertioid,” the girl said.

Anna has a lot to think about her Venus rover: whether the material is going to stand the heat of 475 degrees Celsius on the surface of the planet. The first Soviet rovers, which landed on Venus, could work for the maximum of two hours. Shvetsova’s rover was designed to operate for 50 days.

Daniil Bibnev from the Irkutsk region has been working on his energy-saving house for two years already. He wants to design a house that could stand severe Siberian winters without traditional ways of heating. The construction of the house and the efficient heating system would let the house preserve its heat throughout long winters.

Daniil picked the vortex heater: the energy of electric power, which the heater spends on rotating water, is smaller than the energy, which the rotation generates.

The boy also used the principle of Russian matryoshkas as he installed the hot water pipe around the basement of the house. He decided to mount the hot water pipe inside another pipe of a larger diameter to let hot water give its heat to the air.

Daniil’s house made of foam concrete will lose heat at a much smaller extent in comparison with conventional houses.


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