http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/43574.jpgAfter NATO's acts of terrorism in recent years, after the blatant disregard for human rights and human life when depleted uranium rendered swathes of Yugoslavia uninhabitable and destroyed the futures of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children, would it surprise anyone to learn that Libya is a NATO campaign?
What NATO is capable of, we have already seen in Yugoslavia, what the West is capable of, we saw in Georgia. We have seen the blatant barefaced lies, we have seen indiscriminate acts of murder, war crimes and crimes against humanity, all glossed over by the controlled media. So would it surprise anyone that NATO is indeed operating in Libya?

The defeated look of the nine-year-old Iraqi boy who had just been told his entire family had been literally obliterated by a NATO bomb was as unforgettable as the brave smile sported by the six-year-old Iraqi "terrorist" whose limbs and face had been blasted off by e heroic NATO pilot. The victims of NATO, as it perpetrated unspeakable acts of terrorism against unarmed civilians.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/novosti-forces-andrey.jpgWith Libya locked in fierce battles, American and British forces remain on stand-by. But as thousands flee the troubled land, many of the residents say they do not want international involvement, viewing it as another form of oppression.
The road out of Libya is also the road that lines the pockets of hundreds of Libyans who make their living selling fuel in Tunisia for ten times the price they paid back home.
“Libya and Gaddafi are one. Long live Gaddafi. Let him stay in power for life,” says Libyan citizen Mahmoud.
And as much as some may support Gaddafi, other Libyans despise the United States.

Ahmed is a Libyan citizen working in Tunisia. For days he has been trying to get across the border to check up on his family who are on the other side.

He knows some of them have been injured. The answer, he says, is not with foreign intervention.

“The Libyan people don’t want another army come in Libya,” Ahmed says.

But foreign nations seem to be giving little concern to what Libyans themselves actually want.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/_51433719_011371381-1.jpgAmidst increasing speculation the US and UK could possibly intervene in Libya with military force, President Obama announced he is keeping all options open, and ordered military transport planes into the region to help with evacuations.

­As the situation in Libya deteriorates, the speculations about foreign intervention in the country are growing. It is speculated that the US and UK, who have already advocated for military a solution in Libya, might come in force under the guise of humanitarian assistance.

UK is increasing its military presence on the island of Cyprus. There are two military bases there and as RT’s correspondent Natalia Novikova reports, they have seen a large number of planes landing at the bases apparently bringing military force to the island.

American President Barack Obama, in his strongest words yet against the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, said the colonel has lost all legitimacy to rule and must step down.

Obama also mentioned he has approved of the use of American military equipment in assisting in the evacuation of foreigners from Libya

Washington has already increased its military presence in the region.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/43544.jpgWhere is the evidence of the air strikes ordered by Colonel Gathafi against his "unarmed" civilians? Is this yet another contrived pretext for the USA and its sycophantic allies in NATO to start an invasion? Why is NATO speaking about enforcing a no-fly zone? Who started the conflict in the first place? Russian officials call the NATO claims a bunch of lies.
Let us be perfectly honest here. We are not dealing with well-meaning countries whose own history is flawless. We are dealing, in many cases, with former imperialist powers which committed massacres, rode roughshod over peoples and laws and lores and cultures and imposed their own will by invading other territories, drawing lines on maps and "civilising" vast swathes of the world with the Bible and the bullet. What a legacy.

We are dealing with those who launched a savage and illegal attack against Iraq, outside the auspices of the United Nations Organization, we are dealing with those who lied through their teeth that Saddam Hussein was developing nuclear weaponry because he bought yellowcake uranium from Nigeria (when in fact the country producing it is Niger), an accusation refuted categorically by Mohamed El-Baradei of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/43546.jpgTwo weeks have elapsed since the first demonstrations in Benghazi and Tripoli. The disinformation campaign about Libya has sown confusion in the world. First a certainty: the analogies with events in Tunisia and Egypt are misplaced. These rebellions contributed obviously to depoliticize street protests in both neighboring countries, but the peculiar Libyan process has characteristics inseparable from the conspiring strategy of imperialism and what can be defined as the metamorphosis of a leader.

Muammar Gaddafi, unlike Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak, took an anti-imperialist position when he seized power in 1969. A puppet monarchy was abolished, and for decades he has practised a policy of independence, beginning with the nationalisation of oil. He has practised a strategy that promoted economic development and reduced egregious social inequality.

Libya joined with countries and movements that fought against imperialism and Zionism. Gaddafi founded universities and industries, a flourishing agriculture emerged from the desert sands, hundreds of thousands of citizens for the first time had a right to decent housing.
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