http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/flu-27.jpgWhat are the risks of ?(H1N1), how is different from other types of flu and what are the most effective ways of treatment? Utro.ru interviewed Irina Leneva, Doctor of Biological Sciences, to find out answers to these questions.
The ability of ?(H1N1) to mutate quickly allows it to obtain new characteristics that cause epidemics, explained Irina Leneva. The virus science knows many episodes when people were infected with viruses similar to swine flu virus. One of the largest pandemics of the last century, Spanish influenza, was caused by ?(?1N1) virus. In January 1976, Fort Dix (New Jersey) conscripts were infected by a strain of influenza close to the swine flu virus in structure.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/warming.jpgThe Internet has been abuzz throughout the past week with the news of what everyone is calling ‘Climategate’ -- a major scandal involving leaked emails and data from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA). Located in the town of Norwich in the United Kingdom, the Climatic Research Unit is a primary center for the ‘science’ that supports the theory of Global Warming. The CRU provides ‘scientific’ advice and guidance to the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
On November 17th an anonymous whistleblower downloaded email and data files from computers at the Climatic Research Unit and, using a Internet server based in Russia, posted them on a ‘Global Warming skeptic’ website called The Air Vent. Soon thereafter the files were forwarded to numerous other ‘skeptic’ websites and news outlets. The leaked files include more than 1,000 emails and about 3,000 documents, and they provide abundant evidence of falsification of data among the scientists at the forefront of promoting the theory of Global Warming.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/key-4.jpgRussia has started registering domains in Cyrillic.( ROSSIYA.RF) is the first one of them. New names have started appearing in the Cyrillic zone of the Russian Internet very quickly. Recent registrations include such websites as (sex.rf), (stripterase.rf), (mortgage.rf) and others, the Vedomosti newspaper wrote.
The priority registration of domain names in the new zone started on November 25. State organizations and trademark owners were given the right to register their domains first. The people, who claimed their rights for such trademarks as “cinema” and “sex”, have appeared too.

A company that established its rights on the Cyrillic sex.rf domain had the “sex” trademark registered in the group of such goods as women’s bags, beach bags and suitcases. The Cyrillic “cinema” trademark was registered in the group of water heaters and lanterns.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/cheat.jpgThere is a popular opinion that men are polygamists by nature. Today, we will see what our readers think about the issue.

Nadezhda, 50 years old, a housewife:
"Male adultery is not rooted in nature, it comes from insecurities. At a certain age men can no longer “conform,” but they are not willing to acknowledge their powerlessness. Hence, they are trying to prove to themselves that they are, in fact, very capable, and only need young mistresses able to fire up the passion. When a man is confident, he will find ways to be satisfied with his wife. He does not have to prove anything and try himself out with different women."

Roman, 39 years old, an engineer:

"I am still single. Not because I’ve failed to find a woman willing to marry me, there were plenty of those. But I realize that I won’t be able to live the rest of my life with the same woman. It just works this way; I get bored after dating a woman for a couple of months. I don’t want to fool anyone. I honestly warn my girlfriends that our relationships are not going to last forever. Maybe when I am older I will be willing to build some serious relationships, buy I doubt it. I believe that every real man has to change women from time to time not to turn into a sexless creature interested in TV and hamburgers only. Every new relationship makes us stay in shape. Without the novelty, men stop taking care of themselves."
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/pregnant-5.jpgVegetarianism became popular in Russia years ago. However, a majority of Russian nutritionists and gynecologists believe that this diet is not suitable for Russians and absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women. This is caused by the lack of protein-rich vegetables growing in Russian climate conditions. Would pregnant vegetarians have to start eating meat?
Lack of vegetarian tradition in Russia is caused by the climate. Vegetarianism is a fashionable trend borrowed from the warm East where climate is completely different.

Traditional medicine recognizes vegetarianism, but only as a temporary diet prescribed to improve health. This diet is only suitable for healthy adult people, since during religious Lent children, sick people, and pregnant women were allowed to stick to their regular diets.

Vegetarianism is harmful for pregnant women because foods of animal origin rich in protein, vitamins B and D, calcium, iron, and zinc, are required for the development of a healthy fetus. Without these elements, a fetus may develop intrauterine degeneration which could lead to serious consequences.
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