http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/petrodollar-1.jpgRussia, China, Japan, France and the countries of the Persian Gulf intend not to use the US dollar in their settlement for oil. The countries are reportedly in secret talks with each other regarding the subject. Instead of the dollar, they intend to use the basket of currencies. The plans may become real in 2018. If it happens, the financial system will be changed globally. Experts believe that the mere fact of such ideas causes damage to the image of the American currency.
The basket of currencies, which the above-mentioned nations intend to use, will consist of the yen, the yuan, the euro, gold and the new currency of the countries included in the council of the economic cooperation in the region (the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar). India and Brazil have been showing interest in the endeavor too, The Independent wrote with reference to anonymous sources at the bank industry of Hong Kong.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/virus-9.jpgFor the first time computer safety experts encountered a new modification of a Trojan virus capable of sending its owner a PC user’s data in real time. Hackers use the same connection protocols as Internet pagers. Pravda.ru interviewed Alexander Volkov, a computer safety expert, about the attack that should not have happened.
An American construction company in California fell the first victim of the new virus. Using the Trojan hackers managed to get access to the businessmen’s bank accounts. Right in front of the staff’s eyes, the money disappeared from the company bank account within a minute.

To gain access to the company account, an employee had to enter a six figure password into a special form. The password was generated by the system specifically for that connection. Every 30 seconds the bank server creates a new password, so it’s impossible to obtain an unsanctioned password to the account.

To break in, an intruder would have to have enough time to guess the combination, from several minutes to several days. This is why it was believed that constant change of passwords guarantees the safety of accounts.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/obama-84.jpgAlthough I am morally conservative and Christian and although I disagree with President Obama on certain issues, I do believe, that compared to many other politicians, President Obama is reasonable, honest, and a man of integrity who listens to both sides and tries to find as much common ground as he can to work within his agenda. He's firm when and where it's necessary (like in the fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda), and he's flexible where he should and needs to be
The far left and far right can't see anything right with each other's side and that's a very big problem for our nation. The far right, most recently, has been vitriolic towards and twisting of everything President Obama says. Just because they're right on pro-life doesn't mean that everything the far right says and does is right.

According to the Bible, murder is when you kill someone with malice. That is the definition in the Old Testament for murder. Jesus, in the New Testament, says that hating your fellow man is equivalent to murder in God's eyes. Hatred then is malice. What Jesus said about hatred defines the Old Testament meaning of malice.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/woman-15.jpgWomen spend a lot of time at the mirror despite the proverbial wisdom – it’s not beauty that makes you happy. Most women are convinced that if they were more attractive their lives would be different and it would be easier to get a man of their dream. However, polls suggest that their dream objects are not that picky.

Outfits may be left unnoticed

It appears that there is no point in spending all of your savings on a couture dress. Men have no intention to study the labels they can’t see anyway. And if they do see a label on the inside of your clothes after a wild sex, at that point it will be irrelevant.

In a regular environment – in the street, in a club or an office – he will most likely pay attention to the clothes that leave something to imagination rather than reveal everything. Soft streaming fabrics are perfect for teasing. They will make him think of your silhouette and your soft skin concealed by the dress.

Remember that men should be reminded of your curves – make sure you emphasize your waist and open your shoulders.

Shoes must have heels
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/pyramid-2.jpgIs there life on Mars? Mankind started looking for an answer to this question in 1976, after the publication of the iconic photo depicting something that looked like a human face on the surface of Mars. Many said that the Face on Mars was only a pile of rocks, some explained the photo with light tricks, but the origin of the face still remains a secret. There are scientists who say that it could probably be a message from an ancient civilization, which may have existed before or still exists underneath the surface of Mars.
Powerful telescopes from a spacecraft orbiting Mars have found new evidence to prove the existence of life on Mars. Telescopes took pictures of nine pyramids on the surface of Mars. The pyramids, as it seems, are not of the natural origin. The images include striking statues of human and animal faces, clearly visible from space, as well as large drawings featuring the profiles of primates and canines.
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